Spicer Matthews, Instructor

I don’t remember exactly when I made my first trade, but I do know I got hooked in August 2004. That was the month I took off work and read McMillan on Options by Lawrence G. McMillan cover to cover—and then spent the rest of the stint fervently writing a software program to scan the options market and media websites to identify trading opportunities (#goodtimes). Since then I have spent countless hours tinkering with the software to facilitate options trading.

Although the more interesting tidbits I have to share with the interwebs involve options trading and software, I do invest in (but do not trade) equity stocks and real estate and occasionally share my opinions related to longer term financial growth. I believe that trading and investing are not mutually exclusive and can be combined for more robust wealth creation.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi feel free to email me at ask@options.cafe.