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How do I connect Options Cafe with my broker?

Since all trade execution happens with our 3rd party broker partners such as Tradier Brokerage we need to create a link between your broker and Options Cafe. Upon signing up for Options Cafe you might be promoted to add your brokerage account. If not follow the following step after logging into the Options Cafe Application

1) Click on "Settings" in the upper right-hand corner of the application. 

2) Click on "Brokers" in the sub-navigation of the settings section.

3) Click "Add Broker".

Once you click "Add Broker" the following screen will come up. Please name this broker whatever you would like. Some examples might be: "Trading Account", "Retirement Account", "Get Super Rich Account". Whatever you prefer.

After adding a name and clicking the second "Add Broker" button you will be redirected to your broker (typically Tradier). At your broker, you will be prompted to log in using the username and password you set up when creating your brokerage account. After logging in and clicking through a few screens on your broker's website you will be redirected back to Options Cafe. Upon redirection, your brokerage account will now be linked to Options Cafe. You can now start placing trades. 

Adding a broker to Options Cafe