We like to explore, educate, and share ideas involving options trading. Come along with us on
our journey to demystify the complex yet rewarding world of options trading.

Related To: backtesting

  1. Understanding the Put Call Ratio and How to Use it in Options Trading
    Understanding the Put Call Ratio and How to Use it in Options Trading
    The world of options trading can be both exciting and lucrative for investors who know how to navigate its complexities. Among the many tools and strategies available to traders, the Put Call Ratio is one of the most valuable indicators. In this blog post, we will discuss what the Put Call Ratio is, how it's calculated.
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  2. Options Trading Success: Harnessing the Power of Backtesting and Data Analysis
    Options Trading Success: Harnessing the Power of Backtesting and Data Analysis
    Options trading strategies have the potential to be highly lucrative, but they can also be incredibly complex to figure out. Unlike traditional stock trading strategies, options trading introduces numerous variables, such as strike price, type, expiration, delta, gamma, and volatility, among others.
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  3. Backtesting Options Is Here
    Backtesting Options Is Here

    Options Cafe backtester is here. Have you ever wondered how your options trading strategy would perform over time? I have, so I built a backtester. I wanted a way to simulate trading the options market day to day to see how well my strategies would have fared.

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