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Related To: credit spreads

  1. Credit Spread Options Provide Steady Monthly Income
    Credit Spread Options Provide Steady Monthly Income

    A credit spread option is an act of taking two or more options and selling the premium they produce. Yes, that sounds confusing. I'll explain, but first, let's explore quickly the concept of writing a contract. In this post, we will explore how traders can make monthly income trading options via spreads.

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  2. Learning The Short Butterfly Strategy
    Learning The Short Butterfly Strategy

    The short butterfly option trading strategy is a good way to earn small profits, while keeping downside risk to a bare minimum. If you think a stock is set to experience a sizeable move, either up or down, break out your short butterfly playbook.

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  3. My SPY Put Credit Spread Trades For August 2017
    My SPY Put Credit Spread Trades For August 2017

    If your a follower of this blog or a follower of my trades you might have noticed I stopped posting trades. That is all about to change starting with this post. I am once again committed to posting the trades I place monthly. The reason for the absence in trade posting is we have been crazy busy preparing for the launch of our new trading platform -- Just not enough hours in the day :(.

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  4. Short Straddles Can Be A Profitable Options Strategy In Flat Markets
    Short Straddles Can Be A Profitable Options Strategy In Flat Markets

    Short straddles present an opportunity to make a profit whenever a stock appears stuck in a neutral price zone. This option strategy generates extra income by selling double the usual number of contracts. While the profitability is capped at the amount of premiums received, the potential loss is unlimited.

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  5. Iron Condor Explained
    Iron Condor Explained

    The Iron Condor is a very useful options trading strategy. While considered "advanced" by many, once you get a good handle on the iron condor, traders at any level can use it. This options trading strategy is especially useful for profiting off of stable markets that are experiencing sideways price movements. Next up ........Iron Condor Explained.

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  6. What Is a Put Credit Spread?
    What Is a Put Credit Spread?

    In the options trading world there is a type of trade called a put credit spread. The goal of this trade is to collect money and hope the market does not move against you.

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