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Related To: Put Options

  1. Learning The Short Butterfly Strategy
    Learning The Short Butterfly Strategy

    The short butterfly option trading strategy is a good way to earn small profits, while keeping downside risk to a bare minimum. If you think a stock is set to experience a sizeable move, either up or down, break out your short butterfly playbook.

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  2. Baseline Strategy for Trading SPY Put Credit Spreads
    Baseline Strategy for Trading SPY Put Credit Spreads

    When I got interested in trading credit spreads, like most I harbored some skepticism. A credit spread trade seemed to be the type that works—until rather dramatically it does not. Then I set off to figure out the correct way to trade SPY put credit spreads. The path was familiar: backtesting.

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  3. What Is a Put Credit Spread?
    What Is a Put Credit Spread?

    In the options trading world there is a type of trade called a put credit spread. The goal of this trade is to collect money and hope the market does not move against you.

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