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Related To: Trading

  1. My SPY Put Credit Spread Trades For September 2017
    My SPY Put Credit Spread Trades For September 2017

    Once again it is time for our monthly summary of trades I closed. Below are the put credit spread trades I closed in September 2017. My birthday month!! Compared to August a number of put credit spreads closed this month. Volatility continues to be very low. When volatility is low we have less opportunities to place trades. Click to take a look at the trades.

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  2. The Only Free Lunch in Trading Is a Consistent Trading Strategy
    The Only Free Lunch in Trading Is a Consistent Trading Strategy

    What I mean by a consistent trading strategy is if you build a smart trading strategy and stick to it you are almost certain to make money. I make this claim with such conviction because I assume that you backtest your strategy. That you factor in maximum drawdown periods (times when you lose money). And most critical, that you understand the importance of fidelity to your strategy—because inconsistent strategy is the road to a blown-out account.

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